Tag: preferred ETFs
Preferred Stocks: 8 Easy Ways To 6%-7% Yields

As investors near retirement, they tend to favor bonds, which provide income and less drama than stocks. However, less drama means less potential upside. With retirees living longer than ever before—which means much more time for inflation to eat away at your nest egg’s purchasing power—it’s important to not go too conservative too early in […]
The Best, And Worst, Ways To Buy Preferred Shares

As you near (and enter) retirement you probably favor bonds, which provide income with less drama than stocks. However, less drama means less potential upside. With retirees living longer than ever before, it’s important to not go too conservative too early in life. And fortunately today, even 65 or 70 may be too early! One […]
3 Safe Yields Up To 9.5%, With 20% Upside

If you want to find the best high-yield opportunities on Wall Street, you don’t follow bright neon signs – you turn over rocks. Years of research has shown that the most widely recommended names are typically overcrowded trades, killing any chance you have at wringing out any value. Worse, analysts’ and pundits’ picks are often […]