3 Clean Energy ETFs For A Brighter Future
These clean energy ETFs have been winners this year and will keep that bullishness going in 2020 It may seem like something of an oddity given that a republican occupies the White House and that oil prices are low, two scenarios often believed to spell doom for alternative energy stocks, but the fact is, green […]

Why Many Investors Prefer ETFs Over Conventional Mutual Funds
ETF stands for exchange-traded fund, which are index funds that trade similar to stocks. As such, ETFs have all of the profit of simple previous index funds with some extra punch. The ETFs’ charges are often — but not always — lower than conventional mutual funds, and they may charge you less in taxes. Exchange-traded funds […]

The 3 Best Marijuana ETFs For Investors To Consider
These marijuana ETFs are down and probably out, but they could be worth a small risk right here Thanks to a spate of recent launches, the once sparsely populated universe of marijuana ETFs is growing. Entering this year, the ETFMG Alternative Harvest ETF (NYSEARCA:MJ) was the only game in town among dedicated marijuana ETFs with the AdvisorShares Vice […]

7 Funds To Buy If The Market Turns Sour
These are some great funds to buy if the equities market gets ugly For some investors, the market may already be sour. Over the past 12 months, the S&P 500 has returned just 2.9%, including dividends paid. Over the past 90 days, the situation is even more glum as the benchmark U.S. equity gauge is lower by […]

3 ETFs To Buy For An Escape From The Market Turmoil
Traders seeking safety should check out the XLU, IYR and TLT ETFs When it comes to picking stocks to buy, it’s getting scary out there … just in time for Halloween. How appropriate. The number of hobgoblins haunting investors is surging. We’ll get to those in a moment, but first, while some might be considering […]
Closed-End Funds

A Secret Way To Buy Apple (With A 9.2% Dividend)
I run across “buy and hope” investors all the time. You know the type: they latch on to a big-name stock, like Visa (V) or Berkshire Hathaway (BRK) and “hope” for big price gains. Truth is, that’s their only option. With most big-cap stocks paying less than 2%, they’re sure not getting much in dividends! Sad thing is, most […]

This “Billionaire’s Favorite” (Legally) Snubs The IRS And Yields 5.1%
If you’re like many folks, you might be looking at your stock gains this year and dreading the tax bill headed your way in 2020. That makes now a great time to consider the only (tax-) free lunch in investing: municipal bonds. I’ll name one play on these retirement-changing investments in a moment. This unusual […]

A 10.6% Dividend (With 156% Upside) Hiding In Plain Sight
We’re going to push aside overdone recession fears today, so I can show you one fund you can buy for triple-digit upside. And this unsung dividend play spins off a big income stream, too: a 10.6% yield. It comes from a sector few people check for high yields: energy. But this investor “blind spot” is […]

“Big Short” Contrarian Has A New Target (You’ll Never Guess What)
You’ve probably heard of Michael Burry. Played by Christian Bale in the film The Big Short, Burry famously made nearly a billion dollars betting against the housing bubble in the 2000s. Now this legendary contrarian has a new target: funds. He’s mostly panning passive exchange-traded funds (ETFs), but he’s got a lot of disdain to go […]

This Incredible Fund Soared 517% (And It’s Just Getting Started)
Today I’m going to show you how one savvy buy can help you turn $100K into a $500,000 windfall. Plus, you’ll “automatically” build yourself a tidy monthly income stream—I’m talking $2,700+ here—without lifting a finger. That’s enough for many folks to retire on. At the center of it all is a little-known group of investments […]
Dividend ETFs

5 Dependable Dividend ETFs To Invest In
These dividend ETFs could prove to be ideal in a world of negative bond yields and declining interest rates. The Federal Reserve did what investors were hoping for Wednesday — that is, lowering interest rates. Perhaps it was a case of selling the news or market participants wanting an 0.5% rate cut instead of the […]

Are These 7 Dividend Aristocrats ETFs Fit For A King?
Dividend aristocrats ETFs are excellent ways for investors to tap steady dividend growth Many folks infer an element of royalty when they hear the word “aristocrat.” While the U.S. is a democracy, not a monarchy, there are plenty of ways for dividend investors to become aristocratic in their own right. Several exchange-traded funds (ETFs) track indices […]

7 Inexpensive High Dividend ETFs To Buy
These high dividend ETFs come with income and low fees The universe of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) is awash in low-fee products and that space is growing as issuers use discounted fees to lure investors. Income-seeking investors do not have to pay up to access high dividend ETFs. In fact, numerous high dividend ETFs can be considered […]

10 Dividend Funds For Steady Income
There are dividend funds for almost any kind of investors looking for steady payouts Interest rates are rising in the U.S. and some other markets, but that is not standing in the way of solid dividend growth. Data confirm as much. In fact, global dividends recently ascended to a record high. “Global dividends jumped 12.9% […]

7 ETFs Where Dividends And Low Volatility Meet
Like dividends and low volatility? You’ll love these ETFs. Various historical data points and research confirm that dividend-paying stocks are usually less volatile than their non-dividend counterparts. Additionally, stocks that are less volatile, over the long-term, typically outperform rivals that experience larger drawdowns or have higher standard deviations. The takeaways are these: dividend stocks are […]
Foreign Market ETFs

Buy These ETFs Setting Up Profits From A Strong Dollar
August – a month with many market participants on vacation – is well known for its bouts of volatility and markets in a tizzy about things not so important. This year is holding to form with a selloff triggered by worries that turmoil in Turkey – mainly caused by a steep fall in its currency […]

7 Emerging-Markets ETFs To Buy
Emerging markets assets are slumping, but if that changes, these ETFs could be leaders For a variety of reasons, emerging markets stocks and the corresponding exchange traded funds (ETFs) are being punished this year. The widely followed MSCI Emerging Markets Index is lower by nearly 7% year-to-date and some funds tracking developing economies are sporting […]

7 Emerging Market ETFs To Buy For Big Gains In 2018
These funds provide easy access to global opportunities Emerging market ETFs had a great year in 2017. That may come as a surprise to some investors who were only looking at U.S. stocks, but it’s true. Consider, for instance, that China’s benchmark Hang Seng Index is up about 35% on the year. That puts even the 18% […]

7 Country ETFs Worth Owning Outside U.S.
These seven ETFs will give you plenty of geographic diversification Home-country bias is a particular ailment that investors suffer from whether you live in the U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom or any other country with a significant stock market. It’s impossible to run away from and it’s a big reason why Americans ought to consider […]

5 International ETFs Worth Adding To Your Portfolio
Many investors focus heavily on individual security selection, but proper asset allocation is where you get most of the bang for your buck. There’s almost always a decent value to be found somewhere in the world. And many asset classes tend to revert to their mean- if one country outperforms another country over the course […]
Bond ETFs

5 Thematic ETFs For Fixed-Income Investors
These bond ETFs show that different can be better Whether it is an ETF dedicated to 5G, cannabis, electric vehicles or small-cap biotechnology stocks, there are a growing number of thematic funds on the market. Predictably, however, the vast majority of thematic ETFs are equity-based products. On the other hand, many of the largest fixed-income ETFs are basic in […]

These Fixed Income Investments Can Give You Peace Of Mind
There has been 9 rate hikes in the US since 2015. However it has been about half a year since the last hike. With uncertain factors such as the ongoing trade war with China, and the geopolitical turmoil surrounding oil make the Federal Reserve more hesitant to continue raising rates. WTI price increased by over […]

Avoid These 3 Bond Funds When Interest Rates Rise
Are bond funds a safe haven if the stock market crashes? With interest rates about to rise, is it a good time to invest in a bond fund? These are questions investors may be asking themselves as the stock market may be peaking and the Fed keeps jacking up interest rates. If you are fearful […]

5 Cheap Fidelity ETFs For Retirement
These low-fee Fidelity ETFs can help investors plan for retirement Many mutual fund investors and those with employer-sponsored retirement plans, such as 401(k) plans are familiar with Fidelity mutual funds and index funds. Several years ago, the Boston-based fund giant got involved in the exchange traded funds (ETFs). While Fidelity ETFs have a long way […]

3 Growth ETFs For High Yield And Diversification
Thanks to the near zero percent (and even negative!) interest rate policies of central banks, financial markets are certainly in a brave new world. In other words, central bankers have set rates near zero – as the Federal Reserve has done with the Federal Funds rate – or even pushed them below zero. Below zero […]
Mutual Funds

Why Many Investors Prefer ETFs Over Conventional Mutual Funds
ETF stands for exchange-traded fund, which are index funds that trade similar to stocks. As such, ETFs have all of the profit of simple previous index funds with some extra punch. The ETFs’ charges are often — but not always — lower than conventional mutual funds, and they may charge you less in taxes. Exchange-traded funds […]

ETFs May Be Better Than Mutual Funds, But …
Among the questions I’ve been asked many times over the years is whether it is better to own mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). My response to each person who has asked it has consistently been to stick with the vehicle they find easier to use. A study published in the September issue of the Journal […]

7 Low-Risk Mutual Funds To Buy Now
These low-risk mutual funds can be deployed in a variety of conservative portfolios [Editor’s note: This story was previously published in June 2018. It has since been updated and republished.] At their core, mutual funds should be lower-risk investments. The aim of many mutual funds is to provide broad-based exposure to a particular asset class; […]

7 Great No-Load Mutual Funds For Retirement Portfolios
These no-load mutual funds can work in portfolios with long-term and retirement plans Many actively-managed mutual funds carry higher fees than passive index funds and exchange traded funds (ETFs). That isn’t necessarily a bad thing, assuming investors are able to identify the active managers with track records of consistent out-performance. Making matters tougher on investors […]

5 Best Actively Managed Mutual Funds To Buy
These actively managed funds could help investors find compelling returns Due in large part to the rise of passive index funds and ETFs, actively managed funds have been taking some lumps in recent years. While fees have been declining on actively managed funds, those products have not been able to compete with ETFs when it comes […]