Tag: Smart-Beta ETFs to Buy
7 Of The Best Smart-Beta ETFs To Target Right Now

Smart beta ETFs may not be the rage they used to be, but there are some great funds in this category. For a while now, advisors and investors have been hearing more and more about smart-beta exchange-traded funds (ETFs). These are an increasingly prominent part of the ETF landscape with a rather broad definition. In […]
3 Smart Beta ETFs To Buy For Low-Risk Portfolio Diversification

These smart beta ETFs will reduce volatility and risk in your portfolio When you see an article about smart beta funds, the first thing that might come to your mind is what does “smart beta” mean? “Beta” measures the volatility of a security or portfolio in relation to the entire market. Volatility is how we […]
3 Smart-Beta ETFs That Actually Deliver The Goods

Most smart-beta ETFs are falling flat on their promises Wall Street loves a good marketing gimmick. After all, it’s what drives investors into their new exchange-traded funds and products (And keeps paying for their kid’s tennis lessons and their sports cars). Right now, the key marketing term happens to be “smart-beta ETFs.” These ETFs use […]