Tag: PGX
How To Collect 8.7% Yields Each And Every Month

How much do you need to save to retire comfortably? Not as much as you think if you buy the right monthly dividend payers. How you invest your retirement portfolio is more important than how much you have. Especially today, with “dumb” retirement money collecting just 1% in safe bonds. That 1% won’t even get it […]
5 Overhyped Dividend Stocks You Must Avoid Now

Donald Trump’s win has done something extraordinary to the financial sector. Just look at this one-month chart for the Financial Select Sector SPDR ETF (XLF): Banks Love Trump This is unexpected on two levels. First, of course, Trump’s very election came as a shock to many. Second, there was no shortage of people saying stocks […]
How To Live Off $500,000 Forever

A half-million dollars is a lot of money. Unfortunately, it won’t generate much income today if you limit yourself to popular investments. The 10-year Treasury has “rallied” to 1.85%. Put your $500K in them and you’re well below the single-person poverty level at $9,250 annually. Yikes. Dividend paying stocks are masquerading around as bond proxies […]
The Best, And Worst, Preferred Stock Funds

Not yet familiar with preferred shares? With “common” shares paying so little, it’s time to get acquainted. You can double your yields, and actually reduce your risk, by trading in your common shares for preferreds. I’ll explain how – and will also warn you about an overlooked pitfall you should avoid. Most investors only consider […]