Tag: small cap ETFs
5 America-First ETFs To Buy

For investors looking to put America first, these are some of the best ETFs Some politicians discuss an America-first agenda, one that has often been extolled by the current presidential administration. In a world where economic globalization is viewed as increasingly important, the America-first sentiment may be viewed as controversial. Controversy aside, there are scores […]
7 ETFs Where Dividends And Low Volatility Meet

Like dividends and low volatility? You’ll love these ETFs. Various historical data points and research confirm that dividend-paying stocks are usually less volatile than their non-dividend counterparts. Additionally, stocks that are less volatile, over the long-term, typically outperform rivals that experience larger drawdowns or have higher standard deviations. The takeaways are these: dividend stocks are […]
Investors Pull Money Out Of Dividend ETFs In Favor Of Small Cap ETFs – Weekly ETF Fund Flows

Today we’re taking a look at ETF fund flows in iShares Russell 2000 (IWM), iShares Select Dividend (DVY), and SPDR S&P Dividend (SDY). ETF fund flows are a valuable indicator of what traders are thinking. It takes a lot of buying or selling to drive millions or even billions of dollars into or out of […]