Tag: mutual fund
Why Many Investors Prefer ETFs Over Conventional Mutual Funds

ETF stands for exchange-traded fund, which are index funds that trade similar to stocks. As such, ETFs have all of the profit of simple previous index funds with some extra punch. The ETFs’ charges are often — but not always — lower than conventional mutual funds, and they may charge you less in taxes. Exchange-traded funds […]
ETFs May Be Better Than Mutual Funds, But …

Among the questions I’ve been asked many times over the years is whether it is better to own mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). My response to each person who has asked it has consistently been to stick with the vehicle they find easier to use. A study published in the September issue of the Journal […]
7 Low-Risk Mutual Funds To Buy Now

These low-risk mutual funds can be deployed in a variety of conservative portfolios [Editor’s note: This story was previously published in June 2018. It has since been updated and republished.] At their core, mutual funds should be lower-risk investments. The aim of many mutual funds is to provide broad-based exposure to a particular asset class; […]
Warning: This 14% Dividend Fails ALL Of My Safety Checks

If you’re like most folks, you likely at least take a second look when you run into a big dividend yield, like, say, 14%. Think about that for a second: drop, say, $100K into a fund like that and just seven years later, you’d have collected enough in dividends to recoup your entire initial stake. […]