ValueWalk Contributor
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Why Many Investors Prefer ETFs Over Conventional Mutual Funds

ETF stands for exchange-traded fund, which are index funds that trade similar to stocks. As such, ETFs have all of the profit of simple previous index funds with some extra punch. The ETFs’ charges are often — but not always — lower than conventional mutual funds, and they may charge you less in taxes. Exchange-traded funds […]
Fixed Income Is Dominating ETF Flows, Smart Beta And Active Are Gaining

Exchange-traded funds continue to play a major role in investment portfolios amid the shift toward passive investment options, but even ETFs aren’t immune from liquidations and flow problems. UBS reports that although there are more than 100 issuers of ETFs, the market is still very concentrated. BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street hold an 81% share of […]
Hoya Capital Real Estate Launches HOMZ, The Housing ETF

There is a quirky back-story to the team behind Hoya Capital Real Estate’s new ETF, HOMZ. It is being launched by a recent Georgetown University alum and his college professor, giving it a unique “from classroom to trading floor” angle. Housing is the single largest expenditure for the average American household and one of the most […]
Investors Are Learning That Active ETFs Aren’t An Oxymoron

Anyone who reads financial media has heard time and again that active investing strategies are beginning to die while passive investing has become the law of the land, but things aren’t so simple. Active strategies have certainly been shedding assets at an accelerating pace since the global financial crisis, but there’s one area in which active managers […]
A Quick Overview Of Index ETFs

Overview of Index ETFs Exchange-traded funds are gaining in popularity due to their low expense ratios. If you’re considering making an investment in the U.S. stock market, take a look at the following index ETFs. They have high ratings and have delivered consistent returns. Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (VOO) Vanguard’s S&P 500 fund tracks America’s most-watched stock market […]
Media’s Misunderstanding Of ETFs

Every time the market has a period of extreme volatility, as it did in early February, there is no shortage of TV personalities who find a way to blame it on the ETF industry. Despite the fact that the ETF industry has done more good for the average investor in terms of lowering fees, providing transparency […]
How To Find The Best Sector ETFs 1Q18

Finding the best ETFs is an increasingly difficult task in a world with so many to choose from. How can you pick with so many choices available? Don’t Trust ETF Labels There are at least 42 different Technology ETFs and at least 209 ETFs across eleven sectors. Do investors need 19 choices on average per […]
Run Away From SPY, IVV, VOO, And Other S&P 500 ETFs

A decade after the Global Financial Crisis, investors seem to have forgotten about risk. The amount of money that has flowed into S&P 500 ETFs in recent years concerns me. With little regard for valuation, investors just continue to pump capital into ETFs that track the main index. Over the last three years, $100 billion has flowed into […]
A Former ETF Head At Lehman On How To Choose The Best ETF

There is a massive price war going on in ETF-land. Issuers are falling over themselves in the race to the bottom in fees. Clearly, they’re doing it because it works. For many investors, low fees were the main reason you are invested in ETFs. I saw some funds the other day that had a .04% expense ratio. That’s […]
Here’s The Biggest Mistake People Make With ETFs

Pretty cheap to trade these days—$7 or whatever. Costs less than lunch. Some online brokers will give you the first 50/100/200 trades free. What a deal! But there are consequences. Have you ever gotten nervous about one of your positions, sold out of it, then watched helplessly as it shot up 40% in six months? Chances […]