Tony Daltorio
Tony is a seasoned veteran of nearly all aspects of investing. From running his own advisory services to developing education materials to working with investors directly to help them achieve their long-term financial goals. Tony styles his investment strategy after on of the all-time best investors, Sir John Templeton, in that he always looks for growth, but at a reasonable price. Tony is the editor of Growth Stock Advisor.
Tony Daltorio's Latest Posts
Buy These ETFs Setting Up Profits From A Strong Dollar

August – a month with many market participants on vacation – is well known for its bouts of volatility and markets in a tizzy about things not so important. This year is holding to form with a selloff triggered by worries that turmoil in Turkey – mainly caused by a steep fall in its currency […]
2 Robotics Industry ETFs Tapping Into Expanding AI And Automation

The two ETFs I like are the Global X Funds Robotics & Artificial Intelligence ETF (Nasdaq: BOTZ) and the ROBO Global Robotics & Automation Index ETF (Nasdaq: ROBO). I am very positive on both of these ETFs and have previously recommended them to investors. As you might surmise, there are a lot of similarities between the two funds […]
3 Growth ETFs For High Yield And Diversification

Thanks to the near zero percent (and even negative!) interest rate policies of central banks, financial markets are certainly in a brave new world. In other words, central bankers have set rates near zero – as the Federal Reserve has done with the Federal Funds rate – or even pushed them below zero. Below zero […]
How To Avoid 5 Common Investing Mistakes

Investing is not a game. The stakes are very real. If you make a mistake, real money is lost… money that you have worked very hard to attain. Mess up here and you can foul up your plans for your ‘golden years’ Or perhaps helping your children with skyrocketing college costs. Or whatever you’re planning […]