Tag: inverse etfs
5 Of The Best Funds For Downside Protection

These are some of the best funds for investors concerned about the end of the bull market With the S&P 500 up about 15% year-to-date, it would appear safe to say that the bull market is intact. The other side of that discussion is that stocks plunged in the fourth quarter, basically entering a bear market while reminding […]
Leveraged And Inverse ETFs

Leveraged funds may seem like a good idea – if we expect the S&P 500 to be positive, for instance, then getting four times its return seems even better – but long-term investors (and there shouldn’t be any other kind) should be skeptical. The use of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) has exploded recently, to the benefit […]
5 Best ETFs For January

2016 is starting off with a historically bad first week. The Dow lost 1,079 points. That’s a 6% drop for the blue chip index. A combination of falling oil prices and turmoil in Chinese financial markets has sent investors to the sidelines. And I don’t blame them… Oil prices are at their lowest levels in […]
Popular Inverse Equity ETFs To Own In A Correction

Stocks are taking a pounding over the last week. We’ve discussed the issues facing stocks many times. In short, China’s economy is slowing, commodity prices are falling, earnings growth is slowing, the Fed is about to raise interest rates for the first time in a decade, and investors are scared that things are about to […]
3 ETFs That Tanked This Week

Right now we’re in the thick of the first quarter earnings season. It’s the time of year for companies to deliver the revenue and earnings investors are expecting… or be ready to deal with the fallout. Here are three ETFs that have taken heavy losses this week. VelocityShares Long VIX Short Term ETN (VIIX) VIIX […]
Inverse ETFs… A Simpler Way To Profit From A Market Downturn

Investors most often think of ETFs as ways to buy into certain markets or assets. After all, ETFs are used to invest in everything from the Russell 2000 to Central African stocks to sugar futures. However, one extremely important feature of ETFs is that they can be used to take bearish positions. In fact, investors […]